Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Can't find the answer you're looking for? Don't worry, drop us a line on our contact page.

Where to call if I have questions about my bill?
Kindly contact our 24-hour support team via WhatsApp on +1 236 237 0427 or send us an email at support@brookfieldaii.com
  • Your token is sent through SMS, Email and saved on your account as transactions.
  • You can access your tokens by clicking on "Transactions" on the main menu. In the Transaction History table displayed, click on a button called "Details" to access your tokens. On the transaction details page; you can see the token as the first item on the page. You would also see other details of the transaction on this page.
  • The token is sent via email if you provided an email address when you created an account on Brookfieldai. Your token and other details of the transaction would be sent to the email. You can update your email address by clicking on view profile and providing your email address in the email field and click on “update profile”.
  • If you have any unviewed token. A button is displayed on your Order page. Click on it to view your token.
  • Token is ALWAYS sent to you through SMS. But sometimes, due to network delay issues which is beyond our control and totally dependent on the TELCOS (Telecommunication companies) [or if your mobile number was switched off or unavailable at that particular moment the SMS was sent out or your number has been registered on DND (do not disturb)], you might not receive the SMS.
  • The token is also sent via email if you provided an email address when you created an account on buypower. The token and other details of the transaction are sent to your email. You can update your email address by clicking on view profile and providing your email address in the email field and click on “update profile”.
  • You can also access your tokens by clicking on "Transactions" on the main menu. In the Transaction History table displayed, click on a button called "Details" to access your tokens. On the transaction details page; you can see the token as the first item on the page. You would also see other details of the transaction on this page.
  • If you have any unviewed token. A button is displayed on the Order page. Click on it to view your token.
  • You can also use the ‘lost your token’ link in the homepage, enter your meter number and phone number and get the last token that was sent to you.
Kindly contact our 24-hour support team via WhatsApp on or send us an email at
The service charge is a composition of NGN 50 stamp duty charge levied by CBN and a charge (depending on the transaction amount) levied by the payment processor we use. These charges are required to make online transactions possible
Usually, you will receive a reversal from your bank within 24 hours. Kindly contact our 24-hour support team via WhatsApp on or send us an email at .
Right now, this is not possible; token is generated and encrypted using the unique ID of the meter. This is to ensure that token generated can only be used by the specific meter.
  • Debt on a meter can occur for several reasons.
  • The cost for the units on a newly installed meter is paid by the customer (as debt) on their first recharge of the meter.
  • Migration of Previous Debt: If the property used an analog meter before the installation of a Prepaid meter, or using the estimated billing (Post Paid) and there was a debt before the installation of the prepaid meter, the debt on the estimated (Postpaid) billing account is migrated to the Prepaid meter account.
  • Penalties: If there was a bypass or illegal connection discovered in the house, the penalty charge is added as debt to the prepaid meter account.
  • Kindly visit the nearest electricity distribution company office to discuss your debt profile. As all meters are domiciled with them.
Here is a standard process you can follow:
  • Ensure there is power supply in your area; Confirm the phase you are on has power supply; Put off generators and inverters and change over to power supply; Key in the numbers you received as token and Click on the “Enter” button it could be green or red.
  • Link errors - Insert new batteries in the space provided at the back of the keypad to power on the device. If the device does not come on, press 3 to power up the battery.
  • Step 1 - Plug the keypads preferable to a wall socket used for your freezer or cooker (13Amps), and ensure the switch is on.
  • Step 2 - if you still have units on your meter, when there is power supply, plug the Keypad to a wall socket.
  • Step 3 - Key in 5258 instead of the first four-meter digits followed by the consecutive meter digits while omitting the last digit of the meter. I.e. 01011607946 then becomes 5258160794. Then press Send (blue or red button as the case maybe).
  • Step 4 - Load the token over again after the above has been done.
  • Kindly contact our 24-hour support team via WhatsApp on or send us an email at .
This could happen as a result of the following reasons:
  • The purchase was for the wrong meter number. Kindly confirm you are loading the token on the right meter.
  • The meter has not yet been activated- An activation code will be required from the distribution company.
  • There has been a change in your tariff index.
  • Kindly contact our 24-hour support team via WhatsApp on or send us an email at .
Cashback is a fraction of the amount you pay to get your electricity token that is returned back to your account. You can use your cashback to get more electricity units as it accumulates.
Cashback returned to your account never expires. It stays in your cashback wallet, till you decide to use it. Cashback accumulates over a period of time as you use Brookfieldai.ng to buy your electricity units.

We take a percentage of the commission we get from the electricity discos we partner with, and give that back to our users as cashback returns. The percentage we give is determined by how much electricity a user is purchasing.

We’re here to help you!

Check your question and message us now, report an issues. Our support team will get back to you by email.